* If there is any build error and it cannot be solved, you should clean folder and retry all process as you planned.
[OpenSSL 1.1.0e] - succeeded
1. Download OpenSSL latest version (1.1.0e)
2. Install Perl program ( ActiveState Perl recommended )
3. Install NASM (32bit or 64bit) http://www.nasm.us
4. Set path NASM
5. See INSTALL on OpenSSL folder
5.1 Perl Configure ( VC-WIN32 or VC-WIN64A or debug-VC-WIN32 debug-VC-WIN64A ) --prefix=C:\Build-OpenSSL-VC-32-dbg
5.1.1 for avoid license issue "perl Configure debug-VC-WIN32 no-idea no-md2 no-mdc2 no-rc5 no-rc4 enable-capieng no-shared --debug --prefix=c:\Build-OpenSSL-VC-32-dbg"
5.2 nmake
5.3 nmake test
5.4 nmake install <- Need administration privileges.
[OpenSSL 1.0.2k] - Failed
1. Download OpenSSL latest version (1.0.2k)
2. Install Perl program ( ActiveState Perl recommended )
3. Install NASM (32bit or 64bit) http://www.nasm.us
4. Set path NASM
5. See INSTALL on OpenSSL folder
5.1 Perl Configure ( VC-WIN32 or VC-WIN64A or debug-VC-WIN32 debug-VC-WIN64A ) --prefix=C:\Build-OpenSSL-VC-32-dbg
5.1.1 if there a asm error on nmake, add "no-asm" option. It would be working but it may affect performance lower.
5.1.2 for avoid license issue "perl Configure debug-VC-WIN32 no-idea no-md2 no-mdc2 no-rc5 no-rc4 enable-capieng no-shared --debug --prefix=c:\Build-OpenSSL-VC-32-dbg"
5.2 ms\do_win64a.bat
5.2.1 For 32bit with nasm, ms\do_nasm.bat
5.2.2 For 32bit with ms, perl Confire no-asm -> ms\do_ms.bat
5.3 nmake -f ms\nt.mak
5.3.1 if you need to build with DLL, use "nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak"
5.4 See output folder
5.4.1 lib : out32
5.4.2 bin : out32
5.4.3 include : inc32
5.4.4 if the configuration is debug, see out32.dbg
5.5 If you want to test built modules, please do "nmake -f ms\nt.mak test"
5.5.1 it might be failed due to "no-idea". Please ignore.
5.6 Install modules to --prefix using by "nmake -f ms\nt.mak install"
Place all libs to ../deps/lib (openssl should be named libeay32.lib, ssleay32.lib)
Place all includes to ../deps/include
Set RTLIBCFG=static
1. command line build on "~\winbuild\" - Should select command line for machine type
nmake /f Makefile.vc mode=static VC=9 WITH_SSL=static ENABLE_IDN=no DEBUG=no GEN_PDB=yes MACHINE=x64 |
1.1 After build without error, please see "~\builds\???"
2. Open "/projects/Windows/VC version/curl-all.sln" by VC++
2.1 Add essential library
2.2 Add CURL_STATICLIB on preprocessor if curl library is static built
2.3 Select build option.